This stretch targets the hip flexors, particularly the rectus femoris muscle, which runs from the knee to the pelvis. By relaxing these muscles, the pelvis can reposition, reducing stress and pressure on the sciatic nerve, thereby alleviating pain.

1. Setup:

a) Lie on a firm surface, either on a table or the edge of a firm bed.

b) Start with both knees to your chest.

2. Performing the Stretch:

a) Slowly lower one leg down off the edge of the bed.

b) Bend the knee to approximately 90 degrees, if possible.

c) Keep the opposite knee up to your chest.

d) Maintain a straight posture with the lowered leg, not letting it drift outward or inward.

3. Duration:

a) Hold this position for 30 seconds.

b) Breathe through the stretch and relax.


a) Reset both knees to chest after each stretch.

b) Perform 2 to 3 sets of 30-second holds on each side.

c) If one side is tighter, give it an extra set.

How It Helps:

This stretch targets the hip flexors, particularly the rectus femoris muscle, which runs from the knee to the pelvis.

By relaxing these muscles, the pelvis can reposition, reducing stress and pressure on the sciatic nerve, thereby alleviating pain.